At this point, the Hacking Team leak appears to be a never-ending source for Flash exploits. A third vulnerability was just discovered among the leaked materials. As always, we recommend disabling Flash completely in your browser, or setting up one browser with Flash, to be used only when you have no other choice.
To reduce potential damage, Mozilla has configured Firefox to block all versions of Flash up to version Of course, that won’t help for as-yet unpatched vulnerabilities such as the last two from the Hacking Team leak.
Meanwhile, there’s renewed interest in eliminating Flash from the web completely. YouTube abandoned Flash for an HTML5-based video player recently, and organized campaigns like Occupy Flash are trying to keep the ball rolling by encouraging both users and service providers to stop using Flash. Facebook’s Chief Security Officer wants Adobe to announce the end of Flash.
We’re hoping that Google is working to remove Flash from their advertising infrastructure, since for many users, Flash-based advertisements are their biggest remaining exposure to Flash.