The latest release of Google’s Chrome web browser, announced on February 4, includes fifty-six security fixes. As usual, details on all of the related vulnerabilities will not be released until a majority of users are updated with a fix.
The full change log for Chrome 80.0.3987.87 is a whopper, with over sixteen thousand changes in all. A little light reading for anyone with a few hours to spare. But hey, at this point if you don’t trust Google you probably shouldn’t be using Chrome. In the same way that you shouldn’t be using Windows 10 if you don’t trust Microsoft.
Chrome updates itself on its own mysterious schedule, unless you’ve taken extreme (and continuous) measures to prevent it. You can find out which version you’re running by navigating Chrome’s menu (hidden behind the three-vertical-dots menu button at the top right) to Help
> About Google Chrome
. If a newer version is available, you should see a button or link to install it.