Category Archives: Microsoft

MSRT will still be updated for Windows XP after April 8

Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) checks for and attempts to remove known malware from Windows computers during the Windows Update process.

Previously, it was assumed that MSRT would stop being updated for Windows XP once support for that O/S ends in April. A few weeks ago, Microsoft confirmed that it will continue to update MSRT on Windows XP computers until July 15, 2015.

This is good news for anyone who will still be running XP after April, but it’s important to note that MSRT is not a substitute for a full anti-malware solution, and should not be seen as protection against the flood of malware, targeted at Windows XP computers, expected to appear after April 8.

Microsoft updates for March 2014

Yesterday was Patch Tuesday, and Microsoft released five updates for Windows, Internet Explorer, and Silverlight. Two of the updates are flagged as Critical. The official summary bulletin has all the technical details, and a post on the MSRC blog has a less technical breakdown of the updates.

As expected, one of this month’s updates fixes the recently-reported zero-day vulnerability in Internet Explorer.

Advance notification of March updates from Microsoft

Patch Tuesday for March 2014 happens on March 11. Microsoft currently plans to publish five new bulletins and associated patches starting at 10am PST on that date. The patches will address vulnerabilities in Windows, Internet Explorer, and Silverlight. Two of the patches are flagged as Critical.

One of the patches will fix the Internet Explorer vulnerability recently reported here.

Windows XP will nag you to upgrade after support ends

Microsoft will prod you to upgrade your Windows XP computers after support for that O/S ends in April.

According to Ars Technica, a message will pop up on the 8th of every month, starting on March 8, 2014. Although this may be viewed as a nuisance by some users, at least the message has a “don’t bother me again” checkbox.

Microsoft is also working on making the transition easier with migration tools and a web site that tells visitors whether they are in fact running Windows XP. And they are encouraging tech-savvy people to assist friends and family with upgrading.

The Windows XP end-of-support site is a good starting point for anyone still running XP.

Microsoft EMET protection software bypassed

When a new Windows vulnerability is discovered, and particularly when exploits for that vulnerability are discovered in the wild, a common refrain from Microsoft is “use EMET”. EMET is security software that protects Windows systems from certain types of behaviour common to vulnerability-based attacks.

Installing and configuring EMET properly provides a level of protection beyond that of regular anti-malware software. Well, that was the idea, anyway.

Now it appears that attackers have found a way past EMET. The EMET bypass was discovered by security researchers at Bromium Labs and the details published in a whitepaper.

Malicious hackers are likely to start using this new information soon. Microsoft is working with Bromium Labs, but it may not be possible to prevent the bypass by improving EMET, in which case EMET will be reduced to a minor speed bump for attackers.

Windows 7 Pro OEM available until at least February 2015

We previously posted about Microsoft fiddling with Windows 7’s lifecycle dates. At the time, it seemed clear that Microsoft would be foolish to stop making Windows 7 available to computer builders in October 2014 as originally stated.

Microsoft recently updated the lifecycle dates for Windows 7 again, and now Windows 7 Professional OEM will be available until at least February 23, 2015 (a year from today). No specific cut off date is provided on the lifecycle page for Windows 7 Pro, but a footnote states that Microsoft will provide at least one year of notice before any cut-off date is actually set.

Meanwhile, other versions of Windows 7 (Home, Ultimate) will no longer be available as of October 31, 2014, as originally planned.

Anyone still running Windows XP and planning to upgrade to Windows 7 will find that Win7 is no longer available in retail stores. And now we know that even OEM packages for all but the Pro version will stop being available in October 2014.

Internet Explorer vulnerable to new attack

Update 2014Feb19: Microsoft has released a ‘Fix-It’ patch that apparently removes this vulnerability in Internet Explorer 9 and 10. They are expected to release a regular update at some point, but for now, if you have to use IE9/10, you should apply this Fix-It.

Ars Technica reports on a new vulnerability affecting Internet Explorer 10 and 9. Visitors to the American Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) web site who are using Internet Explorer will become infected with malware.

The VFW site was recently compromised, and altered to include code that loads the malware from another site. Presumably the VFW site will be cleaned up very soon, but the vulnerability in IE remains, so we can expect to see this malware being served up by other compromised web sites very soon.

Microsoft said that they are aware of the problem but there’s no word yet on a possible fix.

For now, since there’s no way to know which web sites to avoid, we recommend not using Internet Explorer at all for general web surfing.

Patch Tuesday, February 2014

It’s the second Tuesday in February 2014, so it’s time to patch your Windows computers. Originally there were only going to be five bulletins this month, but two more were added late. The updates fix security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, Windows and .NET. Four of the updates are flagged as Critical.

The summary bulletin has all the technical details, and Dustin Childs has posted a friendlier summary over at the MSRC blog.

As usual, a SANS ISC Diary post provides a security-focused interpretation of the month’s updates, with its own recommendations, as well as useful references (CVE identifiers) to the specific vulnerabilities addressed.

Windows 8.1 update 1 news

Assorted rumours and leaks about the upcoming ‘Patch 1’ for Windows 8.1 are starting to coalesce into a solid picture of the update:

  • It’s likely to be released in April 2014.
  • This will be a free update.
  • It may be available via Windows Update.
  • The update is focused on improving the user interface for keyboard/mouse users:
    • ‘Metro’ window title bars with context menus
    • optional boot to traditional desktop
    • the return of the Start menu
    • search and shutdown options are easier to find
    • ‘Metro’ apps optionally shown in taskbar
    • show taskbar within ‘Metro’ apps

Followup 2014Mar17: Peter Bright over at Ars Technica looked at a leaked version of the upcoming Windows 8.1 update, and posted his observations. Although Microsoft seems to have made progress in reducing the memory requirements of Windows 8.x (allowing it to actually run on many mobile devices), he’s unconvinced that the user interface changes will placate desktop users. Case in point: there’s still no Start menu.